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2022-01-28 22:33:42 +01:00
import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import type { SrvRecord } from 'dns';
import * as os from 'os';
import { URL } from 'url';
import { Document, ObjectId, resolveBSONOptions } from './bson';
import type { Connection } from './cmap/connection';
import { MAX_SUPPORTED_WIRE_VERSION } from './cmap/wire_protocol/constants';
import type { Collection } from './collection';
import { LEGACY_HELLO_COMMAND } from './constants';
import type { Db } from './db';
import {
} from './error';
import type { Explain } from './explain';
import type { MongoClient } from './mongo_client';
import type { CommandOperationOptions, OperationParent } from './operations/command';
import type { IndexDirection, IndexSpecification } from './operations/indexes';
import type { Hint, OperationOptions } from './operations/operation';
import { PromiseProvider } from './promise_provider';
import { ReadConcern } from './read_concern';
import { ReadPreference } from './read_preference';
import { ServerType } from './sdam/common';
import type { Server } from './sdam/server';
import type { Topology } from './sdam/topology';
import type { ClientSession } from './sessions';
import { W, WriteConcern, WriteConcernOptions } from './write_concern';
* MongoDB Driver style callback
* @public
export type Callback<T = any> = (error?: AnyError, result?: T) => void;
/** @public */
export type CallbackWithType<E = AnyError, T0 = any> = (error?: E, result?: T0) => void;
export const MAX_JS_INT = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1;
export type AnyOptions = Document;
* Throws if collectionName is not a valid mongodb collection namespace.
* @internal
export function checkCollectionName(collectionName: string): void {
if ('string' !== typeof collectionName) {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Collection name must be a String');
if (!collectionName || collectionName.indexOf('..') !== -1) {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Collection names cannot be empty');
if (
collectionName.indexOf('$') !== -1 &&
collectionName.match(/((^\$cmd)|(oplog\.\$main))/) == null
) {
// TODO(NODE-3483): Use MongoNamespace static method
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError("Collection names must not contain '$'");
if (collectionName.match(/^\.|\.$/) != null) {
// TODO(NODE-3483): Use MongoNamespace static method
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError("Collection names must not start or end with '.'");
// Validate that we are not passing 0x00 in the collection name
if (collectionName.indexOf('\x00') !== -1) {
// TODO(NODE-3483): Use MongoNamespace static method
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Collection names cannot contain a null character');
* Ensure Hint field is in a shape we expect:
* - object of index names mapping to 1 or -1
* - just an index name
* @internal
export function normalizeHintField(hint?: Hint): Hint | undefined {
let finalHint = undefined;
if (typeof hint === 'string') {
finalHint = hint;
} else if (Array.isArray(hint)) {
finalHint = {};
hint.forEach(param => {
finalHint[param] = 1;
} else if (hint != null && typeof hint === 'object') {
finalHint = {} as Document;
for (const name in hint) {
finalHint[name] = hint[name];
return finalHint;
interface IndexOptions {
name: string;
keys?: string[];
fieldHash: Document;
* Create an index specifier based on
* @internal
export function parseIndexOptions(indexSpec: IndexSpecification): IndexOptions {
const fieldHash: { [key: string]: IndexDirection } = {};
const indexes = [];
let keys;
// Get all the fields accordingly
if ('string' === typeof indexSpec) {
// 'type'
indexes.push(indexSpec + '_' + 1);
fieldHash[indexSpec] = 1;
} else if (Array.isArray(indexSpec)) {
indexSpec.forEach((f: any) => {
if ('string' === typeof f) {
// [{location:'2d'}, 'type']
indexes.push(f + '_' + 1);
fieldHash[f] = 1;
} else if (Array.isArray(f)) {
// [['location', '2d'],['type', 1]]
indexes.push(f[0] + '_' + (f[1] || 1));
fieldHash[f[0]] = f[1] || 1;
} else if (isObject(f)) {
// [{location:'2d'}, {type:1}]
keys = Object.keys(f);
keys.forEach(k => {
indexes.push(k + '_' + (f as AnyOptions)[k]);
fieldHash[k] = (f as AnyOptions)[k];
} else {
// undefined (ignore)
} else if (isObject(indexSpec)) {
// {location:'2d', type:1}
keys = Object.keys(indexSpec);
Object.entries(indexSpec).forEach(([key, value]) => {
indexes.push(key + '_' + value);
fieldHash[key] = value;
return {
name: indexes.join('_'),
keys: keys,
fieldHash: fieldHash
* Checks if arg is an Object:
* - **NOTE**: the check is based on the `[Symbol.toStringTag]() === 'Object'`
* @internal
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-types
export function isObject(arg: unknown): arg is object {
return '[object Object]' ===;
/** @internal */
export function mergeOptions<T, S>(target: T, source: S): T & S {
return {, ...source };
/** @internal */
export function filterOptions(options: AnyOptions, names: string[]): AnyOptions {
const filterOptions: AnyOptions = {};
for (const name in options) {
if (names.includes(name)) {
filterOptions[name] = options[name];
// Filtered options
return filterOptions;
* Executes the given operation with provided arguments.
* @remarks
* This method reduces large amounts of duplication in the entire codebase by providing
* a single point for determining whether callbacks or promises should be used. Additionally
* it allows for a single point of entry to provide features such as implicit sessions, which
* are required by the Driver Sessions specification in the event that a ClientSession is
* not provided
* @internal
* @param topology - The topology to execute this operation on
* @param operation - The operation to execute
* @param args - Arguments to apply the provided operation
* @param options - Options that modify the behavior of the method
export function executeLegacyOperation(
topology: Topology,
operation: (...args: any[]) => void | Promise<Document>,
args: any[],
options?: AnyOptions
): void | Promise<any> {
const Promise = PromiseProvider.get();
if (!Array.isArray(args)) {
// TODO(NODE-3483)
throw new MongoRuntimeError('This method requires an array of arguments to apply');
options = options ?? {};
let callback = args[args.length - 1];
// The driver sessions spec mandates that we implicitly create sessions for operations
// that are not explicitly provided with a session.
let session: ClientSession;
let opOptions: any;
let owner: any;
if (!options.skipSessions && topology.hasSessionSupport()) {
opOptions = args[args.length - 2];
if (opOptions == null || opOptions.session == null) {
owner = Symbol();
session = topology.startSession({ owner });
const optionsIndex = args.length - 2;
args[optionsIndex] = Object.assign({}, args[optionsIndex], { session: session });
} else if (opOptions.session && opOptions.session.hasEnded) {
throw new MongoExpiredSessionError();
function makeExecuteCallback(
resolve: (value?: Document) => void,
reject: (reason?: AnyError) => void
) {
return function (err?: AnyError, result?: any) {
if (session && session.owner === owner && !options?.returnsCursor) {
session.endSession(() => {
delete opOptions.session;
if (err) return reject(err);
} else {
if (err) return reject(err);
// Execute using callback
if (typeof callback === 'function') {
callback = args.pop();
const handler = makeExecuteCallback(
result => callback(undefined, result),
err => callback(err, null)
try {
return operation(...args);
} catch (e) {
throw e;
// Return a Promise
if (args[args.length - 1] != null) {
// TODO(NODE-3483)
throw new MongoRuntimeError('Final argument to `executeLegacyOperation` must be a callback');
return new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
const handler = makeExecuteCallback(resolve, reject);
args[args.length - 1] = handler;
try {
return operation(...args);
} catch (e) {
interface HasRetryableWrites {
retryWrites?: boolean;
* Applies retryWrites: true to a command if retryWrites is set on the command's database.
* @internal
* @param target - The target command to which we will apply retryWrites.
* @param db - The database from which we can inherit a retryWrites value.
export function applyRetryableWrites<T extends HasRetryableWrites>(target: T, db?: Db): T {
if (db && db.s.options?.retryWrites) {
target.retryWrites = true;
return target;
interface HasWriteConcern {
writeConcern?: WriteConcernOptions | WriteConcern | W;
* Applies a write concern to a command based on well defined inheritance rules, optionally
* detecting support for the write concern in the first place.
* @internal
* @param target - the target command we will be applying the write concern to
* @param sources - sources where we can inherit default write concerns from
* @param options - optional settings passed into a command for write concern overrides
export function applyWriteConcern<T extends HasWriteConcern>(
target: T,
sources: { db?: Db; collection?: Collection },
options?: OperationOptions & WriteConcernOptions
): T {
options = options ?? {};
const db = sources.db;
const coll = sources.collection;
if (options.session && options.session.inTransaction()) {
// writeConcern is not allowed within a multi-statement transaction
if (target.writeConcern) {
delete target.writeConcern;
return target;
const writeConcern = WriteConcern.fromOptions(options);
if (writeConcern) {
return Object.assign(target, { writeConcern });
if (coll && coll.writeConcern) {
return Object.assign(target, { writeConcern: Object.assign({}, coll.writeConcern) });
if (db && db.writeConcern) {
return Object.assign(target, { writeConcern: Object.assign({}, db.writeConcern) });
return target;
* Checks if a given value is a Promise
* @typeParam T - The result type of maybePromise
* @param maybePromise - An object that could be a promise
* @returns true if the provided value is a Promise
export function isPromiseLike<T = any>(
maybePromise?: PromiseLike<T> | void
): maybePromise is Promise<T> {
return !!maybePromise && typeof maybePromise.then === 'function';
* Applies collation to a given command.
* @internal
* @param command - the command on which to apply collation
* @param target - target of command
* @param options - options containing collation settings
export function decorateWithCollation(
command: Document,
target: MongoClient | Db | Collection,
options: AnyOptions
): void {
const capabilities = getTopology(target).capabilities;
if (options.collation && typeof options.collation === 'object') {
if (capabilities && capabilities.commandsTakeCollation) {
command.collation = options.collation;
} else {
throw new MongoCompatibilityError(`Current topology does not support collation`);
* Applies a read concern to a given command.
* @internal
* @param command - the command on which to apply the read concern
* @param coll - the parent collection of the operation calling this method
export function decorateWithReadConcern(
command: Document,
coll: { s: { readConcern?: ReadConcern } },
options?: OperationOptions
): void {
if (options && options.session && options.session.inTransaction()) {
const readConcern = Object.assign({}, command.readConcern || {});
if (coll.s.readConcern) {
Object.assign(readConcern, coll.s.readConcern);
if (Object.keys(readConcern).length > 0) {
Object.assign(command, { readConcern: readConcern });
* Applies an explain to a given command.
* @internal
* @param command - the command on which to apply the explain
* @param options - the options containing the explain verbosity
export function decorateWithExplain(command: Document, explain: Explain): Document {
if (command.explain) {
return command;
return { explain: command, verbosity: explain.verbosity };
* A helper function to get the topology from a given provider. Throws
* if the topology cannot be found.
* @internal
export function getTopology<T>(provider: MongoClient | Db | Collection<T>): Topology {
if (`topology` in provider && provider.topology) {
return provider.topology;
} else if ('client' in provider.s && provider.s.client.topology) {
return provider.s.client.topology;
} else if ('db' in provider.s && provider.s.db.s.client.topology) {
return provider.s.db.s.client.topology;
throw new MongoNotConnectedError('MongoClient must be connected to perform this operation');
* Default message handler for generating deprecation warnings.
* @internal
* @param name - function name
* @param option - option name
* @returns warning message
export function defaultMsgHandler(name: string, option: string): string {
return `${name} option [${option}] is deprecated and will be removed in a later version.`;
export interface DeprecateOptionsConfig {
/** function name */
name: string;
/** options to deprecate */
deprecatedOptions: string[];
/** index of options object in function arguments array */
optionsIndex: number;
/** optional custom message handler to generate warnings */
msgHandler?(name: string, option: string): string;
* Deprecates a given function's options.
* @internal
* @param this - the bound class if this is a method
* @param config - configuration for deprecation
* @param fn - the target function of deprecation
* @returns modified function that warns once per deprecated option, and executes original function
export function deprecateOptions(
this: unknown,
config: DeprecateOptionsConfig,
fn: (...args: any[]) => any
): any {
if ((process as any).noDeprecation === true) {
return fn;
const msgHandler = config.msgHandler ? config.msgHandler : defaultMsgHandler;
const optionsWarned = new Set();
function deprecated(this: any, ...args: any[]) {
const options = args[config.optionsIndex] as AnyOptions;
// ensure options is a valid, non-empty object, otherwise short-circuit
if (!isObject(options) || Object.keys(options).length === 0) {
return fn.bind(this)(...args); // call the function, no change
// interrupt the function call with a warning
for (const deprecatedOption of config.deprecatedOptions) {
if (deprecatedOption in options && !optionsWarned.has(deprecatedOption)) {
const msg = msgHandler(, deprecatedOption);
if (this && 'getLogger' in this) {
const logger = this.getLogger();
if (logger) {
return fn.bind(this)(...args);
// These lines copied from
// The wrapper will keep the same prototype as fn to maintain prototype chain
Object.setPrototypeOf(deprecated, fn);
if (fn.prototype) {
// Setting this (rather than using Object.setPrototype, as above) ensures
// that calling the unwrapped constructor gives an instanceof the wrapped
// constructor.
deprecated.prototype = fn.prototype;
return deprecated;
/** @internal */
export function ns(ns: string): MongoDBNamespace {
return MongoDBNamespace.fromString(ns);
/** @public */
export class MongoDBNamespace {
db: string;
collection?: string;
* Create a namespace object
* @param db - database name
* @param collection - collection name
constructor(db: string, collection?: string) {
this.db = db;
this.collection = collection;
toString(): string {
return this.collection ? `${this.db}.${this.collection}` : this.db;
withCollection(collection: string): MongoDBNamespace {
return new MongoDBNamespace(this.db, collection);
static fromString(namespace?: string): MongoDBNamespace {
if (!namespace) {
// TODO(NODE-3483): Replace with MongoNamespaceError
throw new MongoRuntimeError(`Cannot parse namespace from "${namespace}"`);
const [db, ...collection] = namespace.split('.');
return new MongoDBNamespace(db, collection.join('.'));
/** @internal */
export function* makeCounter(seed = 0): Generator<number> {
let count = seed;
while (true) {
const newCount = count;
count += 1;
yield newCount;
* Helper function for either accepting a callback, or returning a promise
* @internal
* @param callback - The last function argument in exposed method, controls if a Promise is returned
* @param wrapper - A function that wraps the callback
* @returns Returns void if a callback is supplied, else returns a Promise.
export function maybePromise<T>(
callback: Callback<T> | undefined,
wrapper: (fn: Callback<T>) => void
): Promise<T> | void {
const Promise = PromiseProvider.get();
let result: Promise<T> | void;
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
result = new Promise<any>((resolve, reject) => {
callback = (err, res) => {
if (err) return reject(err);
wrapper((err, res) => {
if (err != null) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
} catch (error) {
process.nextTick(() => {
throw error;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
callback!(err, res);
return result;
/** @internal */
export function databaseNamespace(ns: string): string {
return ns.split('.')[0];
* Synchronously Generate a UUIDv4
* @internal
export function uuidV4(): Buffer {
const result = crypto.randomBytes(16);
result[6] = (result[6] & 0x0f) | 0x40;
result[8] = (result[8] & 0x3f) | 0x80;
return result;
* A helper function for determining `maxWireVersion` between legacy and new topology instances
* @internal
export function maxWireVersion(topologyOrServer?: Connection | Topology | Server): number {
if (topologyOrServer) {
if (topologyOrServer.loadBalanced) {
// Since we do not have a monitor, we assume the load balanced server is always
// pointed at the latest mongodb version. There is a risk that for on-prem
// deployments that don't upgrade immediately that this could alert to the
// application that a feature is avaiable that is actually not.
if (topologyOrServer.hello) {
return topologyOrServer.hello.maxWireVersion;
if ('lastHello' in topologyOrServer && typeof topologyOrServer.lastHello === 'function') {
const lastHello = topologyOrServer.lastHello();
if (lastHello) {
return lastHello.maxWireVersion;
if (
topologyOrServer.description &&
'maxWireVersion' in topologyOrServer.description &&
topologyOrServer.description.maxWireVersion != null
) {
return topologyOrServer.description.maxWireVersion;
return 0;
* Checks that collation is supported by server.
* @internal
* @param server - to check against
* @param cmd - object where collation may be specified
export function collationNotSupported(server: Server, cmd: Document): boolean {
return cmd && cmd.collation && maxWireVersion(server) < 5;
* Applies the function `eachFn` to each item in `arr`, in parallel.
* @internal
* @param arr - An array of items to asynchronously iterate over
* @param eachFn - A function to call on each item of the array. The callback signature is `(item, callback)`, where the callback indicates iteration is complete.
* @param callback - The callback called after every item has been iterated
export function eachAsync<T = Document>(
arr: T[],
eachFn: (item: T, callback: (err?: AnyError) => void) => void,
callback: Callback
): void {
arr = arr || [];
let idx = 0;
let awaiting = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < arr.length; ++idx) {
eachFn(arr[idx], eachCallback);
if (awaiting === 0) {
function eachCallback(err?: AnyError) {
if (err) {
if (idx === arr.length && awaiting <= 0) {
/** @internal */
export function eachAsyncSeries<T = any>(
arr: T[],
eachFn: (item: T, callback: (err?: AnyError) => void) => void,
callback: Callback
): void {
arr = arr || [];
let idx = 0;
let awaiting = arr.length;
if (awaiting === 0) {
function eachCallback(err?: AnyError) {
if (err) {
if (idx === arr.length && awaiting <= 0) {
eachFn(arr[idx], eachCallback);
eachFn(arr[idx], eachCallback);
/** @internal */
export function arrayStrictEqual(arr: unknown[], arr2: unknown[]): boolean {
if (!Array.isArray(arr) || !Array.isArray(arr2)) {
return false;
return arr.length === arr2.length && arr.every((elt, idx) => elt === arr2[idx]);
/** @internal */
export function errorStrictEqual(lhs?: AnyError, rhs?: AnyError): boolean {
if (lhs === rhs) {
return true;
if (!lhs || !rhs) {
return lhs === rhs;
if ((lhs == null && rhs != null) || (lhs != null && rhs == null)) {
return false;
if ( !== {
return false;
if (lhs.message !== rhs.message) {
return false;
return true;
interface StateTable {
[key: string]: string[];
interface ObjectWithState {
s: { state: string };
emit(event: 'stateChanged', state: string, newState: string): void;
interface StateTransitionFunction {
(target: ObjectWithState, newState: string): void;
/** @public */
export type EventEmitterWithState = {
/** @internal */
stateChanged(previous: string, current: string): void;
/** @internal */
export function makeStateMachine(stateTable: StateTable): StateTransitionFunction {
return function stateTransition(target, newState) {
const legalStates = stateTable[target.s.state];
if (legalStates && legalStates.indexOf(newState) < 0) {
throw new MongoRuntimeError(
`illegal state transition from [${target.s.state}] => [${newState}], allowed: [${legalStates}]`
target.emit('stateChanged', target.s.state, newState);
target.s.state = newState;
/** @public */
export interface ClientMetadata {
driver: {
name: string;
version: string;
os: {
type: string;
name: NodeJS.Platform;
architecture: string;
version: string;
platform: string;
version?: string;
application?: {
name: string;
/** @public */
export interface ClientMetadataOptions {
driverInfo?: {
name?: string;
version?: string;
platform?: string;
appName?: string;
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-var-requires
const NODE_DRIVER_VERSION = require('../package.json').version;
export function makeClientMetadata(options?: ClientMetadataOptions): ClientMetadata {
options = options ?? {};
const metadata: ClientMetadata = {
driver: {
name: 'nodejs',
os: {
type: os.type(),
name: process.platform,
architecture: process.arch,
version: os.release()
platform: `Node.js ${process.version}, ${os.endianness()} (unified)`
// support optionally provided wrapping driver info
if (options.driverInfo) {
if ( { = `${}|${}`;
if (options.driverInfo.version) {
metadata.version = `${metadata.driver.version}|${options.driverInfo.version}`;
if (options.driverInfo.platform) {
metadata.platform = `${metadata.platform}|${options.driverInfo.platform}`;
if (options.appName) {
// MongoDB requires the appName not exceed a byte length of 128
const buffer = Buffer.from(options.appName);
metadata.application = {
name: buffer.byteLength > 128 ? buffer.slice(0, 128).toString('utf8') : options.appName
return metadata;
/** @internal */
export function now(): number {
const hrtime = process.hrtime();
return Math.floor(hrtime[0] * 1000 + hrtime[1] / 1000000);
/** @internal */
export function calculateDurationInMs(started: number): number {
if (typeof started !== 'number') {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Numeric value required to calculate duration');
const elapsed = now() - started;
return elapsed < 0 ? 0 : elapsed;
export interface InterruptibleAsyncIntervalOptions {
/** The interval to execute a method on */
interval: number;
/** A minimum interval that must elapse before the method is called */
minInterval: number;
/** Whether the method should be called immediately when the interval is started */
immediate: boolean;
* Only used for testing unreliable timer environments
* @internal
clock: () => number;
/** @internal */
export interface InterruptibleAsyncInterval {
wake(): void;
stop(): void;
* Creates an interval timer which is able to be woken up sooner than
* the interval. The timer will also debounce multiple calls to wake
* ensuring that the function is only ever called once within a minimum
* interval window.
* @internal
* @param fn - An async function to run on an interval, must accept a `callback` as its only parameter
export function makeInterruptibleAsyncInterval(
fn: (callback: Callback) => void,
options?: Partial<InterruptibleAsyncIntervalOptions>
): InterruptibleAsyncInterval {
let timerId: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined;
let lastCallTime: number;
let cannotBeExpedited = false;
let stopped = false;
options = options ?? {};
const interval = options.interval || 1000;
const minInterval = options.minInterval || 500;
const immediate = typeof options.immediate === 'boolean' ? options.immediate : false;
const clock = typeof options.clock === 'function' ? options.clock : now;
function wake() {
const currentTime = clock();
const nextScheduledCallTime = lastCallTime + interval;
const timeUntilNextCall = nextScheduledCallTime - currentTime;
// For the streaming protocol: there is nothing obviously stopping this
// interval from being woken up again while we are waiting "infinitely"
// for `fn` to be called again`. Since the function effectively
// never completes, the `timeUntilNextCall` will continue to grow
// negatively unbounded, so it will never trigger a reschedule here.
// This is possible in virtualized environments like AWS Lambda where our
// clock is unreliable. In these cases the timer is "running" but never
// actually completes, so we want to execute immediately and then attempt
// to reschedule.
if (timeUntilNextCall < 0) {
// debounce multiple calls to wake within the `minInterval`
if (cannotBeExpedited) {
// reschedule a call as soon as possible, ensuring the call never happens
// faster than the `minInterval`
if (timeUntilNextCall > minInterval) {
cannotBeExpedited = true;
function stop() {
stopped = true;
if (timerId) {
timerId = undefined;
lastCallTime = 0;
cannotBeExpedited = false;
function reschedule(ms?: number) {
if (stopped) return;
if (timerId) {
timerId = setTimeout(executeAndReschedule, ms || interval);
function executeAndReschedule() {
cannotBeExpedited = false;
lastCallTime = clock();
fn(err => {
if (err) throw err;
if (immediate) {
} else {
lastCallTime = clock();
return { wake, stop };
/** @internal */
export function hasAtomicOperators(doc: Document | Document[]): boolean {
if (Array.isArray(doc)) {
for (const document of doc) {
if (hasAtomicOperators(document)) {
return true;
return false;
const keys = Object.keys(doc);
return keys.length > 0 && keys[0][0] === '$';
* Merge inherited properties from parent into options, prioritizing values from options,
* then values from parent.
* @internal
export function resolveOptions<T extends CommandOperationOptions>(
parent: OperationParent | undefined,
options?: T
): T {
const result: T = Object.assign({}, options, resolveBSONOptions(options, parent));
// Users cannot pass a readConcern/writeConcern to operations in a transaction
const session = options?.session;
if (!session?.inTransaction()) {
const readConcern = ReadConcern.fromOptions(options) ?? parent?.readConcern;
if (readConcern) {
result.readConcern = readConcern;
const writeConcern = WriteConcern.fromOptions(options) ?? parent?.writeConcern;
if (writeConcern) {
result.writeConcern = writeConcern;
const readPreference = ReadPreference.fromOptions(options) ?? parent?.readPreference;
if (readPreference) {
result.readPreference = readPreference;
return result;
export function isSuperset(set: Set<any> | any[], subset: Set<any> | any[]): boolean {
set = Array.isArray(set) ? new Set(set) : set;
subset = Array.isArray(subset) ? new Set(subset) : subset;
for (const elem of subset) {
if (!set.has(elem)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks if the document is a Hello request
* @internal
export function isHello(doc: Document): boolean {
return doc[LEGACY_HELLO_COMMAND] || doc.hello ? true : false;
/** Returns the items that are uniquely in setA */
export function setDifference<T>(setA: Iterable<T>, setB: Iterable<T>): Set<T> {
const difference = new Set<T>(setA);
for (const elem of setB) {
return difference;
export function isRecord<T extends readonly string[]>(
value: unknown,
requiredKeys: T
): value is Record<T[number], any>;
export function isRecord(value: unknown): value is Record<string, any>;
export function isRecord(
value: unknown,
requiredKeys: string[] | undefined = undefined
): value is Record<string, any> {
const toString = Object.prototype.toString;
const hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
const isObject = (v: unknown) => === '[object Object]';
if (!isObject(value)) {
return false;
const ctor = (value as any).constructor;
if (ctor && ctor.prototype) {
if (!isObject(ctor.prototype)) {
return false;
// Check to see if some method exists from the Object exists
if (!, 'isPrototypeOf')) {
return false;
if (requiredKeys) {
const keys = Object.keys(value as Record<string, any>);
return isSuperset(keys, requiredKeys);
return true;
* Make a deep copy of an object
* NOTE: This is not meant to be the perfect implementation of a deep copy,
* but instead something that is good enough for the purposes of
* command monitoring.
export function deepCopy<T>(value: T): T {
if (value == null) {
return value;
} else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
return => deepCopy(item)) as unknown as T;
} else if (isRecord(value)) {
const res = {} as any;
for (const key in value) {
res[key] = deepCopy(value[key]);
return res;
const ctor = (value as any).constructor;
if (ctor) {
switch ( {
case 'date':
return new ctor(Number(value));
case 'map':
return new Map(value as any) as unknown as T;
case 'set':
return new Set(value as any) as unknown as T;
case 'buffer':
return Buffer.from(value as Buffer) as unknown as T;
return value;
/** @internal */
const kBuffers = Symbol('buffers');
/** @internal */
const kLength = Symbol('length');
* A pool of Buffers which allow you to read them as if they were one
* @internal
export class BufferPool {
[kBuffers]: Buffer[];
[kLength]: number;
constructor() {
this[kBuffers] = [];
this[kLength] = 0;
get length(): number {
return this[kLength];
/** Adds a buffer to the internal buffer pool list */
append(buffer: Buffer): void {
this[kLength] += buffer.length;
/** Returns the requested number of bytes without consuming them */
peek(size: number): Buffer {
return, false);
/** Reads the requested number of bytes, optionally consuming them */
read(size: number, consume = true): Buffer {
if (typeof size !== 'number' || size < 0) {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Argument "size" must be a non-negative number');
if (size > this[kLength]) {
return Buffer.alloc(0);
let result: Buffer;
// read the whole buffer
if (size === this.length) {
result = Buffer.concat(this[kBuffers]);
if (consume) {
this[kBuffers] = [];
this[kLength] = 0;
// size is within first buffer, no need to concat
else if (size <= this[kBuffers][0].length) {
result = this[kBuffers][0].slice(0, size);
if (consume) {
this[kBuffers][0] = this[kBuffers][0].slice(size);
this[kLength] -= size;
// size is beyond first buffer, need to track and copy
else {
result = Buffer.allocUnsafe(size);
let idx;
let offset = 0;
let bytesToCopy = size;
for (idx = 0; idx < this[kBuffers].length; ++idx) {
let bytesCopied;
if (bytesToCopy > this[kBuffers][idx].length) {
bytesCopied = this[kBuffers][idx].copy(result, offset, 0);
offset += bytesCopied;
} else {
bytesCopied = this[kBuffers][idx].copy(result, offset, 0, bytesToCopy);
if (consume) {
this[kBuffers][idx] = this[kBuffers][idx].slice(bytesCopied);
offset += bytesCopied;
bytesToCopy -= bytesCopied;
// compact the internal buffer array
if (consume) {
this[kBuffers] = this[kBuffers].slice(idx);
this[kLength] -= size;
return result;
/** @public */
export class HostAddress {
// Driver only works with unix socket path to connect
// SDAM operates only on tcp addresses
constructor(hostString: string) {
const escapedHost = hostString.split(' ').join('%20'); // escape spaces, for socket path hosts
const { hostname, port } = new URL(`mongodb://${escapedHost}`);
if (hostname.endsWith('.sock')) {
// heuristically determine if we're working with a domain socket
this.socketPath = decodeURIComponent(hostname);
} else if (typeof hostname === 'string') {
this.isIPv6 = false;
let normalized = decodeURIComponent(hostname).toLowerCase();
if (normalized.startsWith('[') && normalized.endsWith(']')) {
this.isIPv6 = true;
normalized = normalized.substring(1, hostname.length - 1);
} = normalized.toLowerCase();
if (typeof port === 'number') {
this.port = port;
} else if (typeof port === 'string' && port !== '') {
this.port = Number.parseInt(port, 10);
} else {
this.port = 27017;
if (this.port === 0) {
throw new MongoParseError('Invalid port (zero) with hostname');
} else {
throw new MongoInvalidArgumentError('Either socketPath or host must be defined.');
[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')](): string {
return this.inspect();
inspect(): string {
return `new HostAddress('${this.toString(true)}')`;
* @param ipv6Brackets - optionally request ipv6 bracket notation required for connection strings
toString(ipv6Brackets = false): string {
if (typeof === 'string') {
if (this.isIPv6 && ipv6Brackets) {
return `[${}]:${this.port}`;
return `${}:${this.port}`;
return `${this.socketPath}`;
static fromString(s: string): HostAddress {
return new HostAddress(s);
static fromHostPort(host: string, port: number): HostAddress {
if (host.includes(':')) {
host = `[${host}]`; // IPv6 address
return HostAddress.fromString(`${host}:${port}`);
static fromSrvRecord({ name, port }: SrvRecord): HostAddress {
return HostAddress.fromHostPort(name, port);
export const DEFAULT_PK_FACTORY = {
// We prefer not to rely on ObjectId having a createPk method
createPk(): ObjectId {
return new ObjectId();
* When the driver used emitWarning the code will be equal to this.
* @public
* @example
* ```js
* process.on('warning', (warning) => {
* if (warning.code === MONGODB_WARNING_CODE) console.error('Ah an important warning! :)')
* })
* ```
export const MONGODB_WARNING_CODE = 'MONGODB DRIVER' as const;
/** @internal */
export function emitWarning(message: string): void {
return process.emitWarning(message, { code: MONGODB_WARNING_CODE } as any);
const emittedWarnings = new Set();
* Will emit a warning once for the duration of the application.
* Uses the message to identify if it has already been emitted
* so using string interpolation can cause multiple emits
* @internal
export function emitWarningOnce(message: string): void {
if (!emittedWarnings.has(message)) {
return emitWarning(message);
* Takes a JS object and joins the values into a string separated by ', '
export function enumToString(en: Record<string, unknown>): string {
return Object.values(en).join(', ');
* Determine if a server supports retryable writes.
* @internal
export function supportsRetryableWrites(server: Server): boolean {
return (
!!server.loadBalanced ||
(server.description.maxWireVersion >= 6 &&
!!server.description.logicalSessionTimeoutMinutes &&
server.description.type !== ServerType.Standalone)
export function parsePackageVersion({ version }: { version: string }): {
major: number;
minor: number;
patch: number;
} {
const [major, minor, patch] = version.split('.').map((n: string) => Number.parseInt(n, 10));
return { major, minor, patch };
* FisherYates Shuffle
* Reference:
* @param sequence - items to be shuffled
* @param limit - Defaults to `0`. If nonzero shuffle will slice the randomized array e.g, `.slice(0, limit)` otherwise will return the entire randomized array.
export function shuffle<T>(sequence: Iterable<T>, limit = 0): Array<T> {
const items = Array.from(sequence); // shallow copy in order to never shuffle the input
if (limit > items.length) {
throw new MongoRuntimeError('Limit must be less than the number of items');
let remainingItemsToShuffle = items.length;
const lowerBound = limit % items.length === 0 ? 1 : items.length - limit;
while (remainingItemsToShuffle > lowerBound) {
// Pick a remaining element
const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * remainingItemsToShuffle);
remainingItemsToShuffle -= 1;
// And swap it with the current element
const swapHold = items[remainingItemsToShuffle];
items[remainingItemsToShuffle] = items[randomIndex];
items[randomIndex] = swapHold;
return limit % items.length === 0 ? items : items.slice(lowerBound);
// TODO: this should be codified in command construction
// @see
export function commandSupportsReadConcern(command: Document, options?: Document): boolean {
if (command.aggregate || command.count || command.distinct || command.find || command.geoNear) {
return true;
if (
command.mapReduce &&
options &&
options.out &&
(options.out.inline === 1 || options.out === 'inline')
) {
return true;
return false;