"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.IndexInformationOperation = exports.IndexExistsOperation = exports.ListIndexesCursor = exports.ListIndexesOperation = exports.DropIndexesOperation = exports.DropIndexOperation = exports.EnsureIndexOperation = exports.CreateIndexOperation = exports.CreateIndexesOperation = exports.IndexesOperation = void 0; const abstract_cursor_1 = require("../cursor/abstract_cursor"); const error_1 = require("../error"); const read_preference_1 = require("../read_preference"); const utils_1 = require("../utils"); const command_1 = require("./command"); const common_functions_1 = require("./common_functions"); const execute_operation_1 = require("./execute_operation"); const operation_1 = require("./operation"); const LIST_INDEXES_WIRE_VERSION = 3; const VALID_INDEX_OPTIONS = new Set([ 'background', 'unique', 'name', 'partialFilterExpression', 'sparse', 'hidden', 'expireAfterSeconds', 'storageEngine', 'collation', 'version', // text indexes 'weights', 'default_language', 'language_override', 'textIndexVersion', // 2d-sphere indexes '2dsphereIndexVersion', // 2d indexes 'bits', 'min', 'max', // geoHaystack Indexes 'bucketSize', // wildcard indexes 'wildcardProjection' ]); function makeIndexSpec(indexSpec, options) { const indexParameters = (0, utils_1.parseIndexOptions)(indexSpec); // Generate the index name const name = typeof options.name === 'string' ? options.name : indexParameters.name; // Set up the index const finalIndexSpec = { name, key: indexParameters.fieldHash }; // merge valid index options into the index spec for (const optionName in options) { if (VALID_INDEX_OPTIONS.has(optionName)) { finalIndexSpec[optionName] = options[optionName]; } } return finalIndexSpec; } /** @internal */ class IndexesOperation extends operation_1.AbstractOperation { constructor(collection, options) { super(options); this.options = options; this.collection = collection; } execute(server, session, callback) { const coll = this.collection; const options = this.options; (0, common_functions_1.indexInformation)(coll.s.db, coll.collectionName, { full: true, ...options, readPreference: this.readPreference, session }, callback); } } exports.IndexesOperation = IndexesOperation; /** @internal */ class CreateIndexesOperation extends command_1.CommandOperation { constructor(parent, collectionName, indexes, options) { super(parent, options); this.options = options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {}; this.collectionName = collectionName; this.indexes = indexes; } execute(server, session, callback) { const options = this.options; const indexes = this.indexes; const serverWireVersion = (0, utils_1.maxWireVersion)(server); // Ensure we generate the correct name if the parameter is not set for (let i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { // Did the user pass in a collation, check if our write server supports it if (indexes[i].collation && serverWireVersion < 5) { callback(new error_1.MongoCompatibilityError(`Server ${server.name}, which reports wire version ${serverWireVersion}, ` + 'does not support collation')); return; } if (indexes[i].name == null) { const keys = []; for (const name in indexes[i].key) { keys.push(`${name}_${indexes[i].key[name]}`); } // Set the name indexes[i].name = keys.join('_'); } } const cmd = { createIndexes: this.collectionName, indexes }; if (options.commitQuorum != null) { if (serverWireVersion < 9) { callback(new error_1.MongoCompatibilityError('Option `commitQuorum` for `createIndexes` not supported on servers < 4.4')); return; } cmd.commitQuorum = options.commitQuorum; } // collation is set on each index, it should not be defined at the root this.options.collation = undefined; super.executeCommand(server, session, cmd, err => { if (err) { callback(err); return; } const indexNames = indexes.map(index => index.name || ''); callback(undefined, indexNames); }); } } exports.CreateIndexesOperation = CreateIndexesOperation; /** @internal */ class CreateIndexOperation extends CreateIndexesOperation { constructor(parent, collectionName, indexSpec, options) { // createIndex can be called with a variety of styles: // coll.createIndex('a'); // coll.createIndex({ a: 1 }); // coll.createIndex([['a', 1]]); // createIndexes is always called with an array of index spec objects super(parent, collectionName, [makeIndexSpec(indexSpec, options)], options); } execute(server, session, callback) { super.execute(server, session, (err, indexNames) => { if (err || !indexNames) return callback(err); return callback(undefined, indexNames[0]); }); } } exports.CreateIndexOperation = CreateIndexOperation; /** @internal */ class EnsureIndexOperation extends CreateIndexOperation { constructor(db, collectionName, indexSpec, options) { super(db, collectionName, indexSpec, options); this.readPreference = read_preference_1.ReadPreference.primary; this.db = db; this.collectionName = collectionName; } execute(server, session, callback) { const indexName = this.indexes[0].name; const cursor = this.db.collection(this.collectionName).listIndexes({ session }); cursor.toArray((err, indexes) => { /// ignore "NamespaceNotFound" errors if (err && err.code !== error_1.MONGODB_ERROR_CODES.NamespaceNotFound) { return callback(err); } if (indexes) { indexes = Array.isArray(indexes) ? indexes : [indexes]; if (indexes.some(index => index.name === indexName)) { callback(undefined, indexName); return; } } super.execute(server, session, callback); }); } } exports.EnsureIndexOperation = EnsureIndexOperation; /** @internal */ class DropIndexOperation extends command_1.CommandOperation { constructor(collection, indexName, options) { super(collection, options); this.options = options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {}; this.collection = collection; this.indexName = indexName; } execute(server, session, callback) { const cmd = { dropIndexes: this.collection.collectionName, index: this.indexName }; super.executeCommand(server, session, cmd, callback); } } exports.DropIndexOperation = DropIndexOperation; /** @internal */ class DropIndexesOperation extends DropIndexOperation { constructor(collection, options) { super(collection, '*', options); } execute(server, session, callback) { super.execute(server, session, err => { if (err) return callback(err, false); callback(undefined, true); }); } } exports.DropIndexesOperation = DropIndexesOperation; /** @internal */ class ListIndexesOperation extends command_1.CommandOperation { constructor(collection, options) { super(collection, options); this.options = options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {}; this.collectionNamespace = collection.s.namespace; } execute(server, session, callback) { const serverWireVersion = (0, utils_1.maxWireVersion)(server); if (serverWireVersion < LIST_INDEXES_WIRE_VERSION) { const systemIndexesNS = this.collectionNamespace.withCollection('system.indexes'); const collectionNS = this.collectionNamespace.toString(); server.query(systemIndexesNS, { query: { ns: collectionNS } }, { ...this.options, readPreference: this.readPreference }, callback); return; } const cursor = this.options.batchSize ? { batchSize: this.options.batchSize } : {}; super.executeCommand(server, session, { listIndexes: this.collectionNamespace.collection, cursor }, callback); } } exports.ListIndexesOperation = ListIndexesOperation; /** @public */ class ListIndexesCursor extends abstract_cursor_1.AbstractCursor { constructor(collection, options) { super((0, utils_1.getTopology)(collection), collection.s.namespace, options); this.parent = collection; this.options = options; } clone() { return new ListIndexesCursor(this.parent, { ...this.options, ...this.cursorOptions }); } /** @internal */ _initialize(session, callback) { const operation = new ListIndexesOperation(this.parent, { ...this.cursorOptions, ...this.options, session }); (0, execute_operation_1.executeOperation)((0, utils_1.getTopology)(this.parent), operation, (err, response) => { if (err || response == null) return callback(err); // TODO: NODE-2882 callback(undefined, { server: operation.server, session, response }); }); } } exports.ListIndexesCursor = ListIndexesCursor; /** @internal */ class IndexExistsOperation extends operation_1.AbstractOperation { constructor(collection, indexes, options) { super(options); this.options = options; this.collection = collection; this.indexes = indexes; } execute(server, session, callback) { const coll = this.collection; const indexes = this.indexes; (0, common_functions_1.indexInformation)(coll.s.db, coll.collectionName, { ...this.options, readPreference: this.readPreference, session }, (err, indexInformation) => { // If we have an error return if (err != null) return callback(err); // Let's check for the index names if (!Array.isArray(indexes)) return callback(undefined, indexInformation[indexes] != null); // Check in list of indexes for (let i = 0; i < indexes.length; i++) { if (indexInformation[indexes[i]] == null) { return callback(undefined, false); } } // All keys found return true return callback(undefined, true); }); } } exports.IndexExistsOperation = IndexExistsOperation; /** @internal */ class IndexInformationOperation extends operation_1.AbstractOperation { constructor(db, name, options) { super(options); this.options = options !== null && options !== void 0 ? options : {}; this.db = db; this.name = name; } execute(server, session, callback) { const db = this.db; const name = this.name; (0, common_functions_1.indexInformation)(db, name, { ...this.options, readPreference: this.readPreference, session }, callback); } } exports.IndexInformationOperation = IndexInformationOperation; (0, operation_1.defineAspects)(ListIndexesOperation, [ operation_1.Aspect.READ_OPERATION, operation_1.Aspect.RETRYABLE, operation_1.Aspect.CURSOR_CREATING ]); (0, operation_1.defineAspects)(CreateIndexesOperation, [operation_1.Aspect.WRITE_OPERATION]); (0, operation_1.defineAspects)(CreateIndexOperation, [operation_1.Aspect.WRITE_OPERATION]); (0, operation_1.defineAspects)(EnsureIndexOperation, [operation_1.Aspect.WRITE_OPERATION]); (0, operation_1.defineAspects)(DropIndexOperation, [operation_1.Aspect.WRITE_OPERATION]); (0, operation_1.defineAspects)(DropIndexesOperation, [operation_1.Aspect.WRITE_OPERATION]); //# sourceMappingURL=indexes.js.map